TSP StormGuard

"The folks at Storm Guard Restoration in Evansville gave me one of the most consumer-friendly experiences I have ever had. The folks at Storm Guard Restoration in Evansville gave me one of the most consumer-friendly experiences I have ever had. 

First, they offered to inspect my roof for damage which they did immediately, and what they found was serious hail damage that I was totally unaware had occurred. After I filed a claim with my insurance company, they met the company's adjuster and accompanied him to the roof making sure he saw every bit of the damage. From that point, they worked closely with my company's claim division to get everything I needed to get the new roof built.

Yesterday, they finished the job and I can tell you it was professionally done and I am thrilled. And to think, I would not have even known that I needed a new roof had they not been willing to do that first inspection. I recommend Storm Guard and their professional friendly model of doing business."

John Blair - Evansville, IN

TSP Talk To Tucker Residential

Helpful, compassionate, personality plus. In the 3 months my house was on market, I learned to depend on her (probably more than I should have) She did things to give me piece of mind, checking basement, handled little important details, managed prep of house to put on market and kept me posted on every little thing making sure I was happy with all arrangements. It was a pleasure talking with her. She made intelligent suggestions and understood my problems. She was professionally persistent in getting things done sooner rather than later. She put in a lot of extra time on phone calls and emails making repairs go smoother. She is very personable and her communication is excellent. I have probably written too much but I liked her so much, it is hard to say what I liked best.

Betty W.